Before choosing ISB, my biggest challenge was choosing to follow my dream and passion without fear and finding a secure job, all while being a mother. After attending ISB, that doubt quickly disappeared – the struggle was worth the outcome and it was easier than I thought. As I got near the end of my training at ISB, I had so many job offers, many of which I thought were the perfect fit. After exploring a few mainstream salon opportunities, I found my perfect fit, a full-service men’s salon. As an independent contractor, I have built my own business and have a wonderful client base. I have learned so much from my co-workers and made lifelong friends in my company.
The sky is truly the limit once you are licensed in the beauty industry. Don’t be afraid to take that leap when your passion is calling. ISB was ultimately the greatest experience of my life. You never know where the beauty industry can take you it’s always ever changing and there’s room for elevation at all times.
ISB is not just a place to get an education, it’s a place to grow, to learn, to build, and achieve. The feeling of accomplishment never fades away as I look back on every day I spent learning, growing, and building. As a mother and a student and facing so many challenges throughout my time in beauty school it wasn’t always easy but the staff at ISB were more than happy to accommodate me any way they could to make it smooth sailing. You really do get out what you put in.