Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Prohibits discrimination based on gender in educational programs which receive federal financial assistance. Programs and activities which may be included are: admissions, recruitment, financial aid, academic programs, athletics, housing and employment. Title IX also protects male and female students from unlawful sexual harassment in school programs and activities.
Iowa School of Beauty Title IX Coordinator
Any student, faculty, staff member, or applicant for admission or education who has concerns about sex discrimination or sexual misconduct is encouraged to seek the assistance of a Title IX coordinator.
Title IX Coordinator
Jacqueline Adamson, Iowa School of Beauty’s Title IX Coordinator, oversees and provides leadership for the college’s Title IX activities. Ms. Adamson conducts investigations of Title IX complaints filed by faculty, staff and graduate students. She also oversees the college’s education and training activities related to sex discrimination (including sexual violence). Individuals with questions, concerns or a complaint related to Title IX are encouraged to contact the college’s Title IX Coordinator:
Jacqueline Adamson
Iowa School of Beauty
3305 70th Street
Des Moines, IA 50322
Phone: 515-278-9939 Ext: 12
Fax: 515-278-0793
[email protected]